• Projects started in 2004

  • Promoting HIV/AIDS/STD risk-free behaviours in the general population, with focus on youngsters of 15-24 years

    financing: Fondul Global pentru Combatere a HIV/SIDA, Tuberculozei şi Malariei (GFTAM) prin Ministerul Sănătăţii - Unitatea de Implementare a Proiectelor Fondului Global şi a Băncii Mondiale
    country: Romania

    Carried out between 2004-2008, this program supported the decrease in HIV/AIDS/STI incidence in the general population and especially among young people aged 15-24, promoting risk-free behaviours such as condom use.

  • Reproductive Health Survey, Romania 2004

    financing: Banca Mondială/Ministerul Sănătății
    country: Romania

    Conducted between 2004-2005, through this intervention we performed the in-depth analysis of the data collected in the field and contributed to the Final Report (https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pnadh440.pdf)

  • The development of the National Public Health Strategy

    financing: Banca Mondială/Ministerul Sănătății
    country: Romania

    Implemented in 2004, through this project we supported the Ministry of Health to draft the public health strategy according to European standards.

  • The set-up of a national NGO coalition for supporting the ratification process by Romania of the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control

    financing: Organizația Mondială a Sănătății, WHO/Europe
    country: Romania

    Held in 2004, through this intervention we supported the organization of a national coalition formed by NGOs active in the field of tobacco control for activities supported by the lobby in order to ratify the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control.

  • The social evaluation of the Roma population and the HIV/AIDS situation in Central and Eastern Europe

    financing: Open Society Institute (OSI)
    country: Romania

    Implemented in 2004, through this project we carried out a comparative analysis of the incidence of HIV/AIDS in the Roma population in Central and Eastern Europe.

  • Training for the medical personnel involved in providing health care to the patients with sexually-transmitted diseases – STD

    financing: Fondul Global pentru Combatere a HIV/SIDA, Tuberculozei şi Malariei (GFTAM) prin Ministerul Sănătăţii - Unitatea de Implementare a Proiectelor Fondului Global şi a Băncii Mondiale
    country: Romania

    Between the years 2004-2007 we implemented this project through which we sought to reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission among the Romanian population by ensuring adequate training of the medical personnel involved in the medical assistance of patients with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and their partners, in accordance with the diagnosis and treatment guide, thus facilitating early detection and treatment of STI cases.

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