• Projects started in 2010

  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle in schools

    financing: Fundația Coca-Cola, SUA
    country: Romania

    Carried out between 2010-2015, through this project we supported the improvement of children's health condition by promoting a healthy lifestyle.

  • Technical Assistance to pilot the case-based mechanism for hospitals financing in the Republic of Moldova

    financing: Banca Mondială/Ministerul Sănătății din Republica Moldova
    country: Republic of Moldova

    During 2010-2012, together with Nimitt Consulting Ltd from the USA, we supported the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova and the National Health Insurance Company to develop a case-based hospital financing model (DRG system) in a project funded by the World Bank. The case-based hospital financing system was introduced in the Republic of Moldova as a result of the project.

  • The analysis of health work force in Romania/health policy note

    financing: Banca Mondială
    country: Romania

    Conducted during 2010-2011, this research aimed to provide an analysis over time and in comparison with other countries of the health workforce in terms of size, abilities and competences, geographical distribution and by level of health care (primary, secondary - outpatient centres, tertiary – hospitals).

  • The presentation of the WHO Patient Safety Guide to healthcare professionals from Romania

    financing: Organizația Mondială a Sănătății WHO/Europe
    country: Romania

    Implemented between 2010-2011, this project carried out the adaptation of the WHO training course on Patients’ Safety for the needs and usage of the Romanian health care managers and professionals.

  • The quality of primary healthcare in Romania

    financing: Organizația Mondială a Sănătății WHO/Europe
    country: Romania

    In 2010, we carried out a quantitative study on primary health care in Romania, with WHO technical and financial support, aiming at generating evidence for decision-makers on the healthcare reform progress. The research methodology used two combined WHO tools, the Primary Care Evaluation Tool and the Primary Care Quality Management Tool. The final research report is available here: https://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/167576/Evaluation-of-structure-and-provision-of-primary-care-in-Romania.pdf

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