• Projects started in 2013

  • Health Workers for and All for Health Workers – HW4ALL

    financing: European Commission EuropeAid Programme
    country: Romania

    Implemented between 2013-2015, the project aimed to strengthen the collaboration and exchange of best practices, as well as the development of adequate tools to support the human resources policies for health workers in the EU member states, in order to contribute to equal access to health care.

  • Human rights in patient care – A Practitioner’s Guide

    financing: Fundaţia pentru o Societate Deschisă
    country: Romania

    Carried out during 2013-2014, this project aimed to set-up a group of jurists with good understanding of the human rights aspects in patient care and of the relevant legal tools to promote the development of this legislative field.

  • Prevention of cervical cancer among women from Sector 1 in Bucharest

    financing: Casa Naţională de Asigurări de Sănătate, Primăria Sectorului 1 Bucureşti
    country: Romania

    Implemented in 2013, this project continued the implementation of the cervical cancer screening program among women from Sector 1 in Bucharest, that started in 2007.

  • The enhacement of medical staff MDR-TB management capacity within the National TB Control Program

    financing: Fondul Global de Lupta Impotriva HIV/SIDA, Tuberculozei si MalaFondul Global de Lupta Impotriva HIV/SIDA, Tuberculozei si Malariei
    country: Romania

    Implemented during 2013-2014, this intervention was a continuation of the training projects successfully carried out by CHPS in previous years. Through the complexity of the information included in the training programs addressed to medical personnel, the project aimed to increase the quality of treatment for patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).

  • The enhacement of medical staff MDR-TB management capacity within the National TB Control Program

    financing: Mecanismul Financiar Norvegian 2009 – 2014, în cadrul programului Ro 19 – Inițiative de sănătate publică, operat de Ministerul Sănătății.
    country: Romania

    Running from 2013-2017, this project supported the strengthening of tuberculosis control in Romania, with a focus on multidrug-resistant and highly drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/XDR-TB) and poor and vulnerable groups.

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